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    Dear Readers: Please Send Me Stuff for the Janish!

    ...Interactive Video Entertainment Awards”. That’s not all we do, though — we also rely on you fans to send us letters, photographs, artwork, poetry, and especially guest reviews and top...

  • Rayman Advance (GBA)

    ...platformer (surprise!) that invents a rather leisurely style of its own. The game is never really very frantic and plays at an amiable pace. The enemies are a mere nuisance,...

  • Project Gotham Racing 2 (MXB)

    ...comfortably in the middle, like an arcade/sim hybrid. The AI unfortunately isn’t the smartest in the world and they hug a straight line, like coke attics. However if you want...

  • Submissions (December 2003)

    ...sizes, even as a gay green man who forms only from the combined powers of overzealous teenagers. We should all be thankful that someone like Captain Planet is out there,...

  • Ico (PS2)

    While there are easily a good hundred games out there that quite often tickle my proverbial fancy, I hardly come across a truly moving game. Have I come across one?...

  • Tiny Toon Adventures: ACME All-Stars (SG)

    ...game. Perhaps not very innovative, perhaps not stunning, but certainly interesting. And fun. Nowadays, you don’t normally see a sports game with more than one sport in it. But TTA:AAS...

  • Carbonated News (December 2002)

    ...the gameplay’s pretty iffy and the title’s only real selling point was its nudity. BMX XXX was released for all three systems on its scheduled date, and is currently available...

  • Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People Episodes 4 and 5 (PC)

    ...these two games is also exactly the same thing you’ve seen three other times. There, I think that about covers the “you’ll-see-the-same-stuff-you’ve-already-seen” paragraph. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have labeled...

  • Wolfenstein 3D (JAG)

    ...back in 1996 before the N64 came out because I had money and I totally bought the whole “64-bit” thing. This was also the first violent videogame I was allowed...

  • [NSFW] Oniken (PC)

    I was really excited to score this review code. I’m not necessarily an NES enthusiast the way so many neo-retro games these days are built to cater to, but I...