• Cheat Codes for Life

    On the date of August 24th, 2005, I was caught with my pants down in front of a cop car that had been set on fire, while holding a book...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    On the date of August 24th, 2005, I was caught with my pants down in front of a cop car that had been set on fire, while holding a book...

  • Submissions (December 2005)

    ...alex mack book. i got the whole season downloaded along with Are You Afraid of the Dark? bet the books would be cool. seriously though, the test game was cool...

  • Halo 2 (MXB)

    ...times in multiplayer. Even during system link, which I wouldn’t have expected. Overall though, the frame-rate stayed consistent, which was a plus in my book. The gameplay of Halo 2...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    On the date of August 24th, 2005, I was caught with my pants down in front of a cop car that had been set on fire, while holding a book...

  • Player Two: Jack Thompson Has a Point

    ...with them, and want to explain to me exactly why I only have a few requests: 1. Use a freaking spell checker. 2. Crack open a book on proper grammar....

  • Casey’s Top Picks for 2006

    ...to this year. First of all, it’s Zelda, and that automatically makes it worthy of anticipation in my book. Second, it looks like Nintendo is finally giving their fans what...

  • Paper Mario (N64)

    ...can’t just set yourself on an A-button tapping autopilot and read a book or check your e-mail while fighting pointless battles. That isn’t the only obnoxious part about battle controls,...

  • Default Thumbnail

    It’s a Different Kind of Gaming

    ...back and forth! Now, we finally see real stories being incorporated in to games, stories good enough to be in a best-selling book or a blockbuster movie. Ever play a...

  • … of the Month: Human-Os

    ...book to kill someone, you cannot use your special Icebolt attacks to kill someone, so you have to use a gun. In this detachment theory, the way videogames would tie...