• Dream Chronicles: The Chosen Child (MAC)

    ...the Dream Chronicles series. If all the individual games were combined into one, it might actually be worth buying. Until then, however, I would stick to the free online demos....

  • … of the Month: n00b

    ...really need to stop friggin’ bothering me when I play online games. Well, that’s all for this installment, buddies! Till next time, remember, Annie Dillard sucks! Refer to sentence one!...

  • Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Justin Walden

    ...a few. Includes campaigns where certain goals must be completed, or you can pretty much just duke it out with the computer or another person online until you’ve killed all...


    ...online) different from Lunar on my Sega CD? It’s all about presentation, people. Some games have it, Bubsy 3D does not. This shooter is F-U-N. I had an excellent time...

  • Doom 3 (MXB)

    ...online communities will ensure the game’s longevity, and a well-earned buzz will likely continue on for a half of a decade or so. But after the smoke has cleared, I...

  • The GameCola Interview: Greg Johnson

    ...25 or 30 employees. I started off helping out with design on a title called Starflight, which I sort of ended up taking over—at least design-wise. It was a lot...

  • [NSFW] Bill & Ted’s Excellent Video Game Adventure (NES)

    [Editor’s note: This article was originally published in the August 2005 issue of GameCola, back when GameCola was published in a monthly online magazine format.] In last month’s edition of...

  • Dear Readers: GameCola Statistics

    (Editor’s note: This article was originally published in the September 2005 issue of GameCola, back when GameCola was published in a monthly online magazine format.) Dear Readers, The September issue...

  • Dear Readers: Please Send Me Stuff for the Janish!

    (Editor’s note: This article was originally published in the December 2005 issue of GameCola, back when GameCola was published in a monthly online magazine format.) Dear Readers, To paraphrase the...

  • Halo 2 (MXB)

    ...performance. As with any online game, anonymity plus sore losers equals intellectually painful conversation. I’ve been called more racial slurs than I can count, and my mother has been insulted...