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    It’s a Different Kind of Gaming

    ...game: I was Gordon Freeman. I knew what Gordon Freeman knew, because I was never taken out of character. I wasn’t given a cutscene to explain why I did something,...

  • Silent Hill (PS1)

    ...character)’s pocket light is also one of the neatest uses of light-sourcing I have ever seen. I wasn’t as impressed with anything similar until Code: Veronica. The characters’ lack of...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    ...code for your life. Dear Julie, I have this friend who apparently only plays crappy video games, like Wolverine’s Revenge and the latest Leisure Suit Larry. We often hang out...

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation: Future’s Past (SNES)

    ...if you fly around enough, you’ll encounter some random Romulans. As per the Romulan code, they’ll come out of nowhere without hailing you and just start attacking you with disruptors...