• Castlevania (NES)

    ...bastard Medusa heads knocking me into every hole possible. Still, though, the difficulty of this game makes you strive to be a better gamer and really appreciate platform gaming. Plus,...

  • Forza Motorsport (MXB)

    ...and red means start hitting the brakes, speedy. There are a number of cars at your disposal, but you can’t just save up and buy them all; many of the...

  • Lost in Blue (DS)

    ...the microphone. Starting a fire involves pressing buttons to simulate spinning a stick between your hands, and then blowing to get the resulting spark to ignite. One of the later...

  • Dragon Quest VIII (PS2)

    ...to do, you can talk to your party members to find out what’s going on. Such an awesome feature that more RPGs need to include; I’ve got a number of...

  • Oh, the Humanity!: Street Fighter: The Movie

    ...other Van Damme movies seem halfway decent by comparison. Faithfulness to the Game: Although there is a whole new plot, a number of moves from the game have been brought...

  • Gears of War (X360)

    ...shoot Marcus et al full of holes if they don’t have the sense to stay behind cover. The Locust Horde beasties are both frightening and interesting, and employ a number...

  • Dear Readers: Absolutely Real Message Board Posts

    ...number of people with our site tattooed on them and are looking for a few more people who wouldn’t mind the national attention. Come be part of history! Well, that...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    ...is because dipshits like you keep buying them. It’s simple economics. Nintendo doesn’t need to worry about discouraging early adopters, since there will be an ample number of dumbasses with...

  • Poor Player’s Paradise

    ...positions for converted barbarians, for, if you do not have enough money to pay their upkeep, a certain number of soldiers will be lost. Graphically, this game is nothing to...

  • Submissions (February 2007)

    ...to be in that number…when the Saints come marching in.” Thank you for this exhibition of self-torture…I never laughed so hard in my life especially since I’m an ex-Fundamentalist Christian....