• Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    ...legacy once again. Super Mario Galaxy shares its premise with all the other 3D Mario games. In order to save the princess, you need to travel to a number of...

  • Donkey Kong Barrel Blast (Wii)

    ...punk clothing and fat asses. The line-up of Kongs though, is simply awesome for any fan of the series. Donkey, Diddy, Dixie, Tiny, Lanky, Funky, Wrinkly, and Cranky are all...

  • Rayman (PS1)

    ...with five-to-six or so levels in each stage and any number of screens within those levels within those stages. The stages have themes like forest, surreal music, caverns, umm…stationary? and...

  • Snowboard Kids (N64)

    ...the snowboarding youngsters on their little battle of the egos. They are joined by Nancy, who wears pink bunny ears and those wash-off tattoos you win at a Chuck E....

  • Inside the Guide: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    ...making any goofs in these sections. I’ve already made three goofs when it comes to listing the heart pieces in chronological order. Hopefully, I won’t make any more. I skipped...

  • Gamer Girlfriend: I Am the Shock Rat

    ...should mention my boyfriend’s feelings about the shock rat, aka. Pikachu. According to my boyfriend (and, apparently, any other self-respecting gamer), using Pikachu is basically cheating. As far as I...

  • Source Nintendo (December 2008)

    ...with a good amount of excellent titles. The problem for any budget shopper, of course, is which ones to buy, exactly. Both systems saw a number of good titles released...

  • The Gates of Life: Episode 52 – Beautiful!

    ...number performed by a troupe of extremely talented chipmunks, and a little shop that was giving away free ice-cream sundaes. Rivers: Those were some very happy chipmunks. DNN: Yes, it...

  • Captain Eric’s Psychic Thumb Feature Presentation

    ...by reality I mean the reality of me physically playing this game in the future: This game is truly the number-one button masher OF ALL TIME! It is a true...

  • Final Fantasy I (GBA)

    ...this point, I hadn’t played any real FF games. One of the titles I was told is a must-play is the original, which features neither bright colors, nor frighteningly high-pitched...