• Burnout Paradise (PS3)

    ...online and it will seamlessly drop you into the company of up to seven other players, without long load times or even an apparent hitch in frame-rate. Voice communications are...

  • Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    ...legacy once again. Super Mario Galaxy shares its premise with all the other 3D Mario games. In order to save the princess, you need to travel to a number of...

  • Donkey Kong Barrel Blast (Wii)

    ...I did, and the fact that Tiny is still a pre-teen meant to give 10-12 year olds their first erection shows Paon’s devotion to Rare’s characters. Each character is apparently...

  • Rayman (PS1)

    ...with five-to-six or so levels in each stage and any number of screens within those levels within those stages. The stages have themes like forest, surreal music, caverns, umm…stationary? and...

  • Snowboard Kids (N64)

    ...realize they were calling him a “he” and not a “she.” Nothing good came out of that. They are joined by a sixth unlockable character who is apparently a ninja,...

  • Final Fantasy II (SNES)

    ...in execution, most problems of which are due to the era in which it was produced. There’s not a bad track in the game, with a fair number of songs...

  • Source Nintendo (December 2008)

    ...with a good amount of excellent titles. The problem for any budget shopper, of course, is which ones to buy, exactly. Both systems saw a number of good titles released...

  • Fisher-Price: Firehouse Rescue (NES)

    ...number. If you like mazes and can tolerate the back-asswards emergency force of the Little People, then you’ll like this game. I wouldn’t like to live there, though, because I...

  • The Gates of Life: Episode 52 – Beautiful!

    ...questions and more in this month’s episode of The Gates of Life! Chapter Fifty-Two Beautiful! Rivers: Wow, look at all those giant forest cacti! And the sour apple lollipop ice...

  • Captain Eric’s Psychic Thumb Feature Presentation

    ...by reality I mean the reality of me physically playing this game in the future: This game is truly the number-one button masher OF ALL TIME! It is a true...