• You Don’t Know Jack (PS1)

    ...after only a handful of plays. With two discs, you’ve got twice the number of expected questions, so you’ll be able to play You Don’t Know Jack at least a...

  • Versus Mode: Ninja Turtles II vs. Ninja Turtles 2

    ...overcome with nausea, and thus I feel it’s my obligation to bring to you: THE BATTLE OF THE TWO NINJA TURTLE GAMES THAT ARE NUMBER TWO IN THEIR RESPECTIVE SERIES...

  • Dear Readers: Absolutely Real Message Board Posts

    ...number of people with our site tattooed on them and are looking for a few more people who wouldn’t mind the national attention. Come be part of history! Well, that...

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    Dear Readers: My Game Collection

    ...number of games these days which feature colonated titles instead of numbers to denote sequels? The idea is to avoid letting the customer know that the game is indeed a...

  • You Can’t Go Home Again

    ...available in Korean at the time and required the Korean equivalent of a social security number to get an account. My time with the leopard-print Archers and giant Baphomets was...

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    The Top 5 Games of 1994

    ...more than the original Clay Fighter with spiffier graphics and smoother gameplay, it has earned its spot as the number three video game of 1994. It’s still Clay Fighter. It’s...

  • MTV Remote Control (NES)

    ...one-digit number, ranging from 1 to 9, with no other label to tell you what these numbers stand for. They’re useless to anybody curious as to the categories of questions...

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    … of the Month: Lufia

    ...can buy “sweet water,” to reduce the number of encounters, and “smoke balls,” to run away from the battles you don’t want to fight, in many stores around the world....

  • Chrono Cross (PS1)

    ...about thirty to forty hours), to which I say no. The sheer number of possible party members leads to a severe lack of character development, a major downfall for Chrono...

  • [NSFW] Red Faction (PS2)

    ...lead flawlessly to the player’s spatial disorientation. With the vast number of model first-person shooters that predate Red Faction, there is absolutely no excuse for such a horrid control system....