Archive for Category: Reviews
Guerrilla War (NES)
Reviews by Zack Huffman on
Che Guevara must ride a mine cart while rescuing Cubans with a lasso.
RoboWarrior (NES)
Reviews by Matt Wright on
It's been described as a more mature version of Bomberman, and how can that be a bad thing?
Doom 3 (MXB)
Reviews by Richo Rosai on
Doom 3 is an ultra-sexy diversion with enough substance to fill the id-naysayers' mouths.
[NSFW] Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
Reviews by Travis Combs on
Tell me you're some PS2 or Xbox fanboy who won't play the game because it's on a kiddy system. Tell me. I dare you.
[NSFW] Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction (PS2)
Reviews by Zack Huffman on
I'm a little out of my element when reviewing any videogame that was released after Clinton was elected President.
[NSFW] Need for Speed Underground 2 (GCN)
Reviews by Matt Wright on
I love racing games, I love pimped-up cars, and I love slick graphics. Call me shallow, but hey, this game covers it all for me.
Reviews by Travis Combs on
Top-tier actors, great script from a great comic book, great graphics.
Panzer Dragoon Orta (MXB)
Reviews by Casey Levine on
I normally wouldn't be interested in a game like Panzer Dragoon Orta, except that it has cool dragons.
You Don’t Know Jack (PS1)
Reviews by Paul Franzen on
YDKJ may not hold up well against the sands of time, so play it while it's still well-nigh topical.