Archive for Tag: Christian Porter
Top of the Heap: Health Education Games
Columns by Christian Porter on
A game's Informativity score does not factor into its overall score; Informativity is merely an indicator of whether the game is actually helpful from a health-education standpoint.
Quarth (GB)
Reviews by Christian Porter on
What do you get when you cross Tetris with a shmup? Quarth, apparently.
Top of the Heap: Religious Games (Part Two)
Columns by Christian Porter on
This month’s adjective: It’s still Bibletasticness. The Bibletasticness score does not factor in to the overall score, but it will let you know how closely these games follow Biblical scripture and how far down your throat it will be shoved.
Ouverture Facile (PC)
Reviews by Christian Porter on
It isn't often that somebody sits down to play a browser-based Web game unless they're trying very hard to avoid doing something productive with their time. Unfortunately, it seems that most popular
Versus Mode: Columbine, Cutscenes, Couples’ Gaming, and More
Columns by GameCola on
GC writers Christian Porter and Danielle Symonds-Yemm discuss Super Columbine Massacre RPG, flashy cutscenes, gaming with your SO, and more.
Top of the Heap: Religious Games (Part One)
Columns by Christian Porter on
Since the beginning of time, or of videogames, at least, no games have sucked with the kind of consistence that religious games have. I’m kicking this column off with a big genre, so we’ll do this in two parts and look at half of the games this time and the other half next month.
Bass Pro Shop’s Trophy Bass 2007 (MXB)
Reviews by Christian Porter on
Fact: 95% of fishing-based videogames are terrible. Therefore, if you are still a fan of the genre after years of horrid fishing games on all generations of game systems, then you're probably not th