Archive for Tag: Colee Koballa
The 2017 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
There's no Ace Attorney game this year, so you'll have to read the article to find out what our Game of the Year was!
GC Podcast #121: Cooking Pikachu
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
What E3 rumors is Pikachu cooking up this month?
GC Podcast #119: A Mega-Smashing Nintendo Direct
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
GameCola covers two of its most frequent topics: Nintendo Directs and Mega Man TV Shows.
GC Podcast #117: Nintendo Labo and The Second Xeno
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
There's new things to have opinions on! Let the GameCola Podcast give you the scoop on how to feel.
Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
Reviews by Brandon Tan and Colee Koballa on
We can always count on Nintendo to make a quality 3D Mario experience, but this time, the success of their newest hardware is on the line.
Slime Rancher (PC)
Reviews by Colee Koballa on
Become the rancher of slimes that you always wanted to but never knew you could be in this fun and cute game.
Q&AmeCola: Games We Are Currently Playing
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
This month we answer the most basic videogame question of them all: "What Are You Currently Playing?"
Q&AmeCola: Biggest Personal Investment in a Game
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
The GameCola staff share their biggest game investments—from needlessly leveling up when already overpowered, to hand-drawing maps instead of just reading the manual, to getting a little bit too involved with birds.
The 2016 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
If you're familiar with GameCola, you already know what 2016's big winner is.