Archive for Tag: Falcom
The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion
Reviews by Meteo Xavier on
This is Meteo's Dichotomy: I don't have a lot of great things to say about it, but I still find myself glad to have it.
Sorcerian (PC)
Reviews by David Donovan on
Don't let the bearded character on the box fool you—this is 100% '80s JRPG.
Ys Seven (PSP)
Reviews by David Donovan on
Every review of an Ys game begins like this, but let's cover the basics once again for any newcomers. Yes, Ys is a word; no, you are saying it wrong. And yes, the latest entry in the series really i
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC)
Reviews by David Donovan on
For the handful of weirdos who owned the TG-16, the name Ys (pronounced "incorrectly") will likely evoke fond memories of the adventures of professional prophecy fulfiller Adol Christin. Alas, the