Archive for Tag: Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Q&AmeCola: Worst Game in a Series
Columns by GameCola Staff on
Even the best videogame family trees have an embarrassing branch or two.
[NSFW] Poor Player’s Paradise
Columns by Christian Porter on
Since the last “Poor Player’s Paradise,” the sun has come out and the first day of summer is just a few weeks away. So, how best to celebrate this? Easy: stay the hell inside your house. It’s hot out—too hot to go screwing around outdoors like some kind of sweaty jackass. Your friends may laugh … Continue reading "[NSFW] Poor Player’s Paradise"
Oh, the Humanity!: Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Columns by Zack Huffman on
Every so often there's a significant advance in film special effects, leading to the inevitable shit-storm movies with no substance, whose only purpose are to showcase said special effects. Examples of this phenomenon include Twister, all three Star Wars prequels and of course, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.