Archive for Tag: Ganguro Girl
… of the Month: Susan and Die Anstalt
Columns by Matt Gardner on
Last month I did something that I often do in my writing, only this time it backfired and nearly destroyed my career. This thing being issuing some sort of challenge or asking for some kind of feedback that I have no doubt no one will dare to take up, respond to, or even read. Well, fellows, this month Satan popped up and pelted me right in the face with a snowball fresh from hell. One with a decently sized pebble in it, the bastard. Someone, whether purposefully or not, actually rose to the challenge!
… of the Month: Ganguro Girl 1.5
Columns by Matt Gardner on
Like hentai?! Of course you do! Ever dream that you could be in some sort of screwed up hentai dating situation with some superfaketanned animated ganguro babe? ME EITHER ganguro scared me. And so does this game.