Archive for Tag: Metallica
Rock Band (X360)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on 5
I hate Rock Band.Rock Band has been the only rhythm action game I've played during the last month, other than a short-lived stab at Guitar Hero III and GH: Smash Hits (getting Expert songs done on tho
Guitar Hero 5 (X360)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on 3
I'm reviewing Guitar Hero 5, aren't I? Just...give me a moment. As I sit here at my virus-ridden and slowly dying PC, I ask myself a question: Have I wasted my life? Of course I have. Everyone else ha
Things Zach Rich Demands to See Before He Dies in 2020
You know how I keep talking on the ol' GameCola Podcast about how I plan to start writing my own column here on the ‘Cola? Welp, here it is! This is "Things Zach Rich Demands to See Before He Dies