• Carbonated News: E3 2009 Review

    Welcome to "Carbonated News," the column where I get you up-to-date on all the latest gaming news while making a bunch of snarky comments about everything. This month, I'm giving you a recap of all th

  • Inside the Guide: Four Ways to Write Guides

    Hello everyone, and welcome to “Inside the Guide,” the article that gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the art of making guides for videogames. I've just finished writing a guide for Mega Man: Dr.Wily's Revenge this month, so I figured I'd talk about four different methods I've used to write various guides.

  • The Grass is Always…: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

    Welcome to "The Grass is Always...", where two people play a game and record their humorous commentary. Previously, we recorded the commentary by writing it down, but this month, we ventured into the

  • Issue 1-1 Tribute

    GameCola, in its original form, was a monthly online newsletter. This feature plays tribute to the very first edition of GameCola by mimmicking its format and content, with all new articles published

  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (PS2)

    Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 is a game that's almost as much fun as it hard to pronounce. Generally, I don't like fighting games. Well...mainly just Super Smash Bros. That game really stinks.

  • Oh, the Humanity!: The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy

    Hello everyone, and welcome to “Oh, the Humanity!” As the byline says, this is a column about videogame-based movies and, um, books? Books. OK, well, I don't want the byline to be a liar, so I went to my local library and picked up the first videogame book I could find:

  • GC Podcast #12: Cap’n Eric

    This edition of "The GameCola Podcast" features Michael Gray, Michael Ridgaway, Colin Greenhalgh, Nathaniel Hoover, Paul Franzen, and Captain Eric Regan, and it's our E3 2009 wrap-up.

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    Mega Man: Dr. Wily’s Revenge

    News! My walkthrough for Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge is officially completed. This comes about one month after my video walkthrough for the same game. Yes, it took me a month to type up a walkthrou

  • Museum Madness Walkthrough

    Does anyone else remember Museum Madness? An old 1994 point-and-click game about a museum where all the exhibits come to life?

  • Writer’s Block

    Sweat poured down Paul's forehead as he stared at his computer screen. His Word document for "The Gates of Life" was still blank.