Archive for Tag: ROM hacks
GC Podcast #184: Playing Videogames Incorrectly
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
No goody-two-shoes allowed, this time we're breaking all the rules!
GC Podcast #138: When the Pokémon Get Real Big
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
And I mean REAL BIG. Like, you don't even know.
A Very EarthBound Thanksgiving
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Exactly what it sounds like.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I (XBLA)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Was Sonic 4 worth the wait? No. No, it wasn't.
Super Mario 64 Texture Hack
Videos by Michael Gray on
So, one of those nerdy people with too much free time has made an NES version of Super Mario 64.