Archive for Tag: testgame
testgame.exe: Making the Adventure
Columns by Elizabeth Medina-Gray on
Tour guide: And coming up on your left, you can see this month’s issue of “testgame.exe: Making the Adventure”!
testgame.exe: Making the Adventure
Columns by Elizabeth Medina-Gray on
So here we are again. Another month, another testga—holy crap that list of new things is huge! This month's new features can be more or less broken down into two main groups: prettiness and gameplay
… of the Month: The Adventure Game Studios Forums
Columns by Elizabeth Medina-Gray on
So I've just recently discovered—after a whole year+ of using Adventure Game Studio to make testgame—that there's this whole community of people making adventure games with this software, and they're like…decent games! And I'm talking real old school adventure games too, the likes of King's Quest and Monkey Island, and such.
testgame.exe: Making the Adventure
Columns by Elizabeth Medina-Gray on
It's the month of voice actors! Remember just last month, when I was sending out my millionth plea for enough voices to fill three whole parts? Well, folks, crazy as it may sound, it actually happened
testgame.exe: Making the Adventure
Columns by Elizabeth Medina-Gray on
Hello everyone, and welcome to the newest installment of testgame.exe: Making the Adventure! Before we get too far into the article, though, there's something important that needs to be taken care of:
testgame.exe: Making the Adventure
Columns by Elizabeth Medina-Gray on
After last month's edition of testgame.exe: Making the Adventure, GameCola's Matt Gardner pointed out an important fact to me—I'm really slow at working on testgame. After stating this, he then made
[NSFW] Cheat Codes for Life
Columns by Paul Franzen on
Zack Huffman offers advice about friends with stupid ideas, friends with greasy hands, and more.
testgame.exe: Making the Adventure
Columns by Elizabeth Medina-Gray on
We have direction! A course of action! A seating plan! After a late-night brainstorming session with the one and only Paul Franzen, there are now, literally, a ton of new puzzles in the works. (Well,
testgame.exe: Making the Adventure
Columns by Elizabeth Medina-Gray on
This month's theme in testgame.exe: Making the Adventure: Prettiness. That is to say, lots of little tiny things that are cool but will probably be barely noticeable to anyone who's not me. This means
testgame.exe: Making the Adventure
Columns by Elizabeth Medina-Gray on
Plot, plot, plot, plot-ploooottt. Plot. This month's super amazing new feature in everyone's favorite adventure-game-in-the-making (aka, testgame): PLOT! OK, so technically there was some plot in the