Archive for Tag: The GameCola Podcast
GC Podcast #23: Zach’s Lost Cell Phone
Podcasts by GameCola on
In this edition of The GameCola Podcast, Zach Rich loses his cell phone. Also, he, Christian Porter, and Justin Luschinksi talk about: What games they're playing now: RPGs, Borderlands, LittleBigPla
GC Podcast #21: The YouTube Podcast
Podcasts by Michael Gray on
GameCola Podcast #21 has just been released, for your listening pleasure. Join Paul Franzen, Michael Gray and Nathaniel Hoover—the three biggest contributors to the GameCola YouTube page—and hear
GC Podcast #20: Something New
Podcasts by Michael Gray on
We've just finished Podcast #20: Something New. It's the first GameCola podcast recorded in 2010, and the first podcast made specifically for the new GameCola website. Woo hoo! Joining us on the podc
GC Podcast #19: Now Leaving the Year 200X
Podcasts by Michael Ridgaway on
Welcome to the last GameCola Podcast of 2009, folks. It’s been a hell of a (or maybe just hellish) year, and we here at GameCola celebrate by looking back at some of our favorite games from ’09 and by looking ahead at what 2010 has in store. Enjoy, and from all of us here at … Continue reading "GC Podcast #19: Now Leaving the Year 200X"
GC Podcast #18: Michael and Paul’s Excellent Adventure
Podcasts by Michael Gray on
It's Podcast 18, where Paul Franzen and Michael Gray talk about Deja Vu for the NES/GBC/PC/MAC, and Case 1-3 of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for the DS. Michael and Paul were supposed to limit their c
GC Podcast #17: Casting Our Own Pods
Podcasts by Paul Franzen on
Hello, everyone. Paul here, hosting and editing the latest edition of "The GameCola Podcast," because...because...actually, I'm not sure how I got saddled with this.
GC Podcast #16: Ratchet & Clank (& Michael)
Podcasts by Michael Ridgaway on
Hey all, Mike Ridgaway here. So we had a great podcast lined up for you, but I botched the recording. In the meantime, here's me playing the through the first levels of Ratchet Clank Future: A Crack
[NSFW] GC Podcast #15: We Are (Still) Drama Queens
Podcasts by Michael Ridgaway on
Greetings, GameCola fans! For those of you afraid that GameCola was truly dead, fear not! We are only in a hibernative state while the new site comes online. Think of it as a coccoon, except instead o