Archive for Tag: violence
[NSFW] MadWorld (Wii)
Reviews by Sprite Monkey on
The gore-fest that the '90s TV tried to convince you all games were.
Road Rash 3: Tour De Force (SG)
Reviews by Eric Bell on
On this episode of Realism in Videogames, kicking someone while riding a motorcycle at 120MPH.
Super Nanny Weighs in on London Riots, Blames Videogames
Fan Submissions by GameCola on
Oh boy. The "Super Nanny," star of a show where she teaches clueless parents who thought parenting was going to be child's play how to actually be a parent, has weighed in on the Lodon riots. Isn't that just super? She just recently said that she blames the riots in London on videogames. Yes, videogames. Of course.
Versus Mode: China, Bob’s Game, Bullshots, and More
Columns by GameCola on
4 Color Rebellion's Gregory Gay and GameCola's Michael Gray discuss online anonymity, Bob's Game, buying unlockables, and more.
… of the Month: Human-Os
Columns by Matt Gardner on
I wonder to myself, as I play Digital Devil Saga and devour my enemies, does anyone ever go out and eat someone because they see it in videogames? I'm pretty sure if that had happened I would have heard of it, as every negative incident that can be linked to videogames in any conceivable way is made a spectacle of, it seems. Someone shoots someone, someone played a game with shooting in it, the shooting must have been caused by the game.
Player Two: Jack Thompson Has a Point
Columns by Janra Roberts on
He's right. He’s just a jackass and he's saying it stupid.
Dear Readers: Leave Us Alone
Columns by Paul Franzen on
What did we ever do to you?