Archive for Tag: Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN)
Reviews by Michael Gray on
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was supposed to be the greatest game ever. I mean, in the N64 days, the Zelda series was rocking my socks. Ocarina of Time was a stellar 1998 release. It was fol
Quantum Geek: Episode 17 – Hylian Tennis
Columns by Michael Ridgaway on
Tom flew high over Hyrule, the entire expanse of the kingdom laid out before him. Were he inclined to look down, the sight would have taken his breath away, but he was only concerned with one area: th
The Hero of Time
News Posts by Michael Gray on
Does anyone remember last year when I made a blog entry about a fan-made movie for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? This one? As the annoyingly large annotation says, the movie has now been completed, and you can watch it at any time you want! (Editor’s note: Oh wait, nevermind; not anymore. Apparently Nintendo decided that this … Continue reading "The Hero of Time"
Oh, the Humanity!: The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy
Columns by Michael Gray on
Hello everyone, and welcome to “Oh, the Humanity!” As the byline says, this is a column about videogame-based movies and, um, books? Books. OK, well, I don't want the byline to be a liar, so I went to my local library and picked up the first videogame book I could find:
GC Podcast #10: The Big E3 Preview
Podcasts by Michael Gray on
It's the tenth episode of the GameCola Podcast! Our E3 Spectacular!
The Hero of Time
Videos by Michael Gray on
There's apparently a fan-made Ocarina of Time movie coming out.
A Letter about Zelda
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
Dear GameCola, I've been revisiting Zelda: Majora's Mask lately. That was a good game. It had lots of sidequests and minigames. Twilight Princess was lame. I mean, it was SO GOOD, but it was lame. All
Low-Rent Adventures in Japan: Of of Oves
Columns by Richo Rosai on
When I was a young boy spending all my time in the back of the room in Christian math class painstakingly translating books and song lyrics, I assumed that my perception of Japanese as being less expressive, less beautiful and poetic than English would slowly fade away with time as I was able to more fully grasp and appreciate the subtleties of the language. As of today this hasn’t been the case.
The Ten Reasons: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Columns by Michael Gray on
Hey everyone, and welcome to The Ten Reasons, where I discuss ten reasons why I like or dislike a game. I’ve got one hell of a column for you this month, folks! Not only is it my longest The Ten Reasons ever, but it’s the first one about a game that I have more reasons … Continue reading "The Ten Reasons: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker"