When GameCola’s Editor-in-Chief Paul Franzen decides to take a holiday vacation—which, as far as we know, consists of him sitting in his footy pajamas in his living room playing Hatoful Boyfriend again—all productivity at GameCola HQ grinds to a halt. At least, that’s how it appears to the casual observer; for those “in the know,” we were never very productive to begin with.
Instead of cracking the whip on our writers and forcing the half-dozen other editors on staff to actually edit something (I’ve already edited two articles this year, so I’ve met my quota), we’re simply taking a break for about a week. That’s right: There will be no new content on GameCola until…there is…new content on GameCola. Merry Christmas.
We’ll still love you if you cheat on us in the meantime with other sites like Girl Gamer and the ever-promiscuous Topless Robot. Just know that you’ll be sleeping on the couch when we get back. To help reduce the temptation to stray, I’ve compiled a list (with the help of the few staff members who haven’t learned to ignore my longwinded e-mails) of some articles from the GameCola archives that’ll put you in the holiday spirit, make you sick of the holiday spirit, or just remind you that, brrr, it’s winter.
First up, we’ve got a Phoenix Wright Christmas Carol from Michael Gray:
Next, I review a bunch of Flash games to celebrate Kwanzaa, and whatever other holidays there are this month:
In what is undoubtedly the most festive topic for a column we’ve ever had, Christian Porter offers a heap of games in which you kill Santa:
Matt Jonas requested I add this James Pond review to the list, under the pretense that it has a holiday theme because he used the word “Christmas” once:
On the subject of dubious entries on this list, Michael Gray provided a link to his personal blog, whose address is clearly not “gamecola.net,” where you can view a video of the Indiana Jones Christmas game:
Digging deeper into the actual GameCola archives, we’ve got Richo Rosai’s tales of spending Christmas in Japan:
Lastly, Paul Franzen and Eric Regan commentate over a wrestling match between a pair of seasonally appropriate contestants:
That should be enough to tide you over until we return from finding homes for orphans, perfecting a cure for polio, and everything else we put on hold when we joined GameCola.
Will you still post on “Exfanding Your Horizons” over the break?
Probably! We’ve got a post scheduled for tomorrow, at least. Just because Paul’s on vacation doesn’t mean the entire Internet goes on break.