Earlier this week, we reported on how PEGI, the European videogames ratings board, assigned We Dare, the Wii game wherein you spank and kiss people in real life, a rating of 12 and up, telling parents that it’s perfectly reasonable to buy this game for their kids. Publisher Ubisoft wasn’t happy about this, because, as one representative that I made up put it, “you’d have to have the brain of a sponge to think this game is OK for children.”
Ubisoft was already planning to put an additional cautionary label on the game’s box to help correct PEGI’s mistake, but now they’re taking it a step further: They’re not going to release the game in the U.K. at all! An actual Ubisoft representative recently told the Daily Telegraph, “following the public reaction to the 12+ rating of We Dare, Ubisoft has made the decision not to sell the game in the United Kingdom.”
Sorry guys! You’ll have to have your underage sex parties the old-fashioned way now: by not having them at all, you perverts.
Now, if only this happened with all the putrid shovelware, then maybe we’d get some good exclusive single-player romps. IF ONLY.
It’s kind of sad it’s not seeing a release. It was on the path to maybe, possibly, being the very first videogame that could help get a kid laid rather than detract from his chances of doing so.
Because you are my rival and arch-enemy, I am not allowed to find your funny comment amusing.
I’m still laughing at the “wherein you spank” sentence. I suppose they’re just taking good old-fashioned home discipline out into the world of sadistic pleasurable punishment…or something like that.