GC Podcast #45: Let’s Not Get Too Excited

In case you missed our LIVE COVERAGE of the Spike TV Video Game Awards, we're presenting to you GameCola Podcast Forty-LIVE!

With content involving Tags , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Spike TV's "Video Game Awards" 2011 - ShowIn case you missed our LIVE COVERAGE of the Spike TV Video Game Awards, we’re presenting to you GameCola Podcast Forty-LIVE! While we already released our uncut audio commentary, the full podcast version is complete with the audio from Spike TV’s Spike TV Video Game Awards as broadcast on Spike TV and streamed for free on Spike TV’s Spike TV Video Game Awards website! PLEASE DON’T SUE US.

That’s right, we’ve overlaid our audio commentary criticizing the event over the actual audio of the event that we in no way own or imply that we have any rights to, as those rights are strictly the property of the company that produced it and any of its parent or subsidiary companies.

Here comes a bullet list full of things you missed out on!

  • The live chatroom! Sadly, the chatroom text has been lost to the ages.
  • Advertisements
  • Commercials
  • Zachary Levi being mistaken for Geoff Keighley
  • DJ Creepy Mouse
  • The 2012 Chevy Sonic
  • The 2012 CES in Las Vegas
  • People getting teabagged
  • Felicia Day cheating at various games
  • All of the awards being given out in the span of about a minute

With that, we present to you the complete GameCola Podcast #45IVE! Thanks to all the Sarahs who attended in the LIVE chatroom, and remember that anyone listening can be involved in the podcast by commenting below, e-mailing us discussion topics, or rating us on iTunes! You can also just listen to the podcast if you want. It’s right here!

8 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

Since 2007

Alex "Jeddy" Jedraszczak is presiding Editor-in-Chief at GameCola, not only editing content but often writing it as well. On top of all this GameCola work, he also develops indie games.


  1. Oh, and that Spider-Man bowling game was in fact a minigame on the Spider-Man the movie game that was for PS2, X-box, PC, and the Gamecube. I spent hours on that game when I was a (smaller) kid, and when I got a new computer and installed the game in it, a glich happened that got rid of all the thugs you have to fight in order to progress through the game. I’m sill sad. ๐Ÿ™

  2. Head On, apply directly to the forehead!!!
    I’m sorry, I had to.
    Still treasure my death threat every day. Love you guys too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Just went and listened to it again (02:08:30!), you guys made my night.
    “Damn it to hell, Diana, I’m gonna stab you.”
    “Does anyone know where Diana lives?”
    By the way, I am the one who comments on all the podcasts, so don’t kill me!!
    Am I totally creepy now?

  4. Thank you for answering my random questions. I shall treasure the word fleugelhorn. Does anyone have something they would like in a question that I will make? A person, a place, an action.. anything?

  5. But not me, right? ๐Ÿ™‚
    Did you get that video I sent you guys on your YouTube channel? Rizziman sent it to me!

  6. If you woke up one morning and found everyone saying “HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead.” And rubbing HeadOn on their head, who would you kill first?

  7. I would kill the plant in the corner of the room to use the pot as a murder weapon on everybody else. ๐Ÿ™‚ (While wearing gloves of course.)

  8. Well…the people who are closest to me, obviously.
    Then I’d move on to everyone else.

  9. Riddle me this! The one who makes it, is in no need of it. The one who purchases it, needs no use of it. The one who does use it, is unaware of it. What am I?

  10. Ooh, that’s right! Makes more sense than my answer. Mine made sense with the first and last, but not the second.

  11. Yes, the answer is a coffin! (Not that I’m being creepy or anything, I just thought it was an interesting riddle).
    @Diana: I’m pretty sure I’m aware that I use Oxygen.

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