GC Podcast #62: Game Companies Hate the Players

With all the recent news coming out, it seems that videogame companies hate the people who keep them in business.

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YouTube-Nintendo-Lets-PlayWith all the recent news coming out, it seems that videogame companies hate the people who keep them in business. Alex Jedraszczak, Nathaniel Hoover, Anna Bryniarski, Matt Jonas, Stuart Gipp, and Michael Gray all get together to talk about the various ways that videogame companies are opposing, stealing from, or otherwise just ignoring their customers. To highlight some of the topics, have a friendly bullet list:

With all of those topics, how can you not rate us at 5 stars on our iTunes page, subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook? Also, feel free to email us at podcast@gamecola.net if you want to suggest a topic or just say something! Actually, I also want to personally apologize to the one person who DID email us last month, and I promise we’ll respond to you next time… Really! But until then, why not listen to the podcast?

8 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 108 votes, average: 9.13 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

Since 2007

Alex "Jeddy" Jedraszczak is presiding Editor-in-Chief at GameCola, not only editing content but often writing it as well. On top of all this GameCola work, he also develops indie games.


  1. Another quick note about The Future of Let’s Plays in the Next Generation of Consoles: while Nintendo is discouraging (?) Let’s Players by throwing up ads all over their videos, Sony is including Let’s Play functionality directly in the PS4’s hardware, even including a button right there on the controller that lets you record gameplay footage.

    1. Does this mean the potential “death” of Nintendo? By “death” I mean the declination of its popularity.

      1. I dunno about that. Not for this reason, anyway; I can’t imagine Nintendo is so reliant on Let’s Players for publicity. It’s not like anyone watched our Mario 2 playthrough and thought “Oh man, I should now purchase this game, this Mario 2! It looks invigorating!”

  2. I don’t see this or the previous podcast on the youtube channel. I don’t see anything after the Terraria video from 2 weeks ago. Is there some other place to get the podcasts of which I am unaware?

    1. Aside from here on the site, you can also get them from iTunes, which is updated automatically whenever a new one is posted. Adding the podcasts to YouTube has always just been an extra thing, although I guess I’m getting behind on that. Sorry! I’ll try to get those out soon.

    2. To clarify what Jeddy said, the YouTube versions of the podcast usually don’t come out until a little later than the ones released on the site and iTunes, though given his comment just now I bet that it’s been a little longer than it usually is.

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