Operation Titanic RPGCast – Part 1: Swamp of Sadness

The RPGCast crew goes on pleasant a cruise...ON THE TITANIC.

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The GameCola RPGcast has returned, this time with a game based on the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys Super Mystery: Operation Titanic. Diana Gray and Joseph Martin play the intrepid teenage sleuths who find themselves involved in multiple mysteries when the Titanic is raised from the ocean floor.

The podcast contains all these things, and more!

  • Nancy solves a puzzle about Ticketmaster prices.
  • Villains appear on the highway and run the Hardy Boys off a cliff.
  • Nancy calls the FBI, because those Ticketmaster prices were really suspicious.
  • Two people get shot in Nancy’s segment, but she still gets full experience points.
  • Joe is confused about how highways work.
  • Joe realizes too late that the “swim” stat is a good thing to buff in a Titanic adventure.
  • Frank makes some phone calls.
  • Joe drowns in the swamp, while simultaneously being shot and attacked by a snake. It looks a little like this:

Joe's Bad Day (The gunshot looks a lot like a tiger, for whatever reason.)

9 votes, average: 8.67 out of 109 votes, average: 8.67 out of 109 votes, average: 8.67 out of 109 votes, average: 8.67 out of 109 votes, average: 8.67 out of 109 votes, average: 8.67 out of 109 votes, average: 8.67 out of 109 votes, average: 8.67 out of 109 votes, average: 8.67 out of 109 votes, average: 8.67 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

From 2007 to 2016

Michael Gray is a staff writer for GameCola, who focuses on adventure games, videos and writing videogame walkthroughs.


  1. I don’t understand the thing with the cell phones and the pay phones. Why not just call using all the cell phones…?! Why did the pay phones need to be involved?

    Also, I seriously doubt motorcycles would fit in the back of a Suburban. I mean, they’re bad guys, so I guess they wouldn’t worry about mirrors and stuff… But, it sounds like they’re dirt bikes, if they’re riding down cliffs and into swamps. Dirt bikes are really tall. Maybe they put them in on their sides…?! I guess bad guys would probably be too cool to care about properly handling their bikes.

    1. Exactly! I was so confused with the phone thing, hence why I took so long thinking about it.

      I seriously can’t make decisions, as evidenced in this podcast. Also, I was kind of sassy. And I got really good rolls.

    2. The logic behind the villains in this book is incredibly flawed. The prime example is the motorcycle men. Their goal is to make sure things go smoothly at the Oceanography Institute…so they attack it multiple times.

      The FBI technology expert seems to believe pay phones are necessary, because the radio station running the contest has a switchboard with land lines.

      Maybe there was a second car with motorcycles, a few miles back?

  2. MG: They attempt to force you off the side of the cliff.
    JM: Is that what the BLUFF stat is for?

    MG: “He’s probably trying to rig the phone lines,” said George, helpfully.

    MG: “Go back to Bayport and tell your father to forget any of this ever happened.”
    DG: “Can you give us some more details, sir?”
    MG: “Go back to Bayport and tell your father to forget any of this ever happened. That’s relatively straightforward!”

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