For the benefit of the few people who haven’t had the unique pleasure of hearing a talented vocalist sing and beatbox videogame music in upwards of five-part harmony with himself, allow me to introduce you to Smooth McGroove. “Mucho gusto.” “Igualmente.”
… Sorry. For a moment, I was flashing back to constructing exercises for my Spanish class during my student teaching stint. Smooth McGroove, whom I always think of as “Smooch McGroove” thanks to a typo in an e-mail from a friend, uses naught but the power of his beard to transform popular videogame tunes of all kinds into stunning all-vocal remixes. Presumably lots of skill and practice goes into his videos, too, but let’s not discount the beard. Frequent cat cameos also help.
Selected from his ever-expanding playlist of videogame remixes, here are two three five of my favorites, from Contra, Mario Kart 64, DuckTales, Mega Man 3, and That Other Game We’re Always Talking About, respectively:
After my video post about Banjo Guy Ollie doing Chrono Trigger’s Corridors of Time song, I stumbled upon Smooth McGroove and considered doing an article about that. Glad you picked up the slack and made the post.
I really like his Guile’s theme:
I also like his Corridor’s of time. His whistling is quite impressive!