[NSFW] GC Podcasts #1-3 on YouTube: With Apologies to the Mid-February Janish

I've started dusting off our most ancient podcasts and transferring them to YouTube.

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Podcasts 1-3 BannerIf you’ve kept up with my podcast appearances and blog posts, or if you’ve seen my short-lived “Archive Dive” column, then you probably know of my inability to leave well enough alone fondness for bringing back the past. It should come as no surprise, then, that I’ve started dusting off our most ancient podcasts and transferring them to YouTube, filling in the gaps in our playlist for “The GameCola Podcast”. These early attempts at filling the air with words might offer fascinating insights about GC history, providing a fresh, enjoyable contrast to the way we podcast nowadays. They might also scare you away.

Michael Ridgaway helms the first trio of podcasts, accompanied by Michael Gray and other people you’ve never heard of, including staff artist Colin Greenhalgh, Marianne “not a staff member but has a bigger archive than some of our staff” Fenwick, staff writer Zach Rich, and me. Judging from the video thumbnails, these podcasts are from before we realized we could talk about Phoenix Wright and My Little Pony all the time.

Without further ado, here’s all the improbable radiation poisoning, Mega Man X title screen singing, and Paul Franzen abuse your day was missing:

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About the Contributor

Since 2009

Nathaniel Hoover is almost certainly GameCola's most verbose staff member, and arguably the most eclectic. As administrator of the GameCola YouTube channel (GCDotNet), occasional contributor to every article category on the site, and staff editor, you're pretty much stuck with him wherever you go. Sorry.

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