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    Birth of a New Forum

    The following is The g50’s account of the events which, directly or indirectly, led to the creations of the Chrono Trigger social board at gamefaqs.com. It all began years ago...

  • Preserving the Plastic: Gaming Collectibles

    ...out for game promotions. People on big online communities like Digitpress.com are bound to be on top of the next freebies to be on the rise. For example, the recent...

  • … of the Month: Sony PSP

    ...Premium Pak whatever thing from gamestop.com. Best $336 (including shipping) I’ve ever spent. Let me tell you, I nearly cried when I opened up the package, that’s how beautiful this...

  • Submissions (April 1, 2006)

    ...of the games for GameCola readers, seeing as how they’re freely available elsewhere on the net: http://gamecola.kevinsnet.com/chip.zip — “Chip’s Challange” — The original. http://gamecola.kevinsnet.com/tworld.exe — “Tile World” — aka the...

  • Bass Pro Shop’s Trophy Bass 2007 (MXB)

    ...64 nearly identical characters. Compare this to the billions of possible combinations in games like Tiger Woods 2007 and you quickly see that this game’s create-a-character mode is sub-abysmal. After...

  • Versus Mode: EGM’s Resurrection, Trophies, and More

    Topics in gaming news debated by GameCola writers and industry professionals. This month in “Versus Mode” we have: MAX VS. JOSIAH PISCIOTTA Max is the Editor-and-Chief of GameLemon.com, a videogame-humor...

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    Google Ads

    ...NeighborhoodScan.com: Free Sex Offender Report. Do Sex Offenders live in Your Area? Is Your Family Safe? Find out Free! Hmm…now why does Google think that people reading articles by Michael...

  • Inside the Guide

    Working with IGN.com, I have recently made a walkthrough for Nancy Drew: Ransom of the Seven Ships that combines both a written walkthrough and a video walkthrough. I think it...

  • The Ten Reasons: The Adventures of Willy Beamish

    ...how cool it is. Watch the Slam Dunk Cola commercial here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=VOZEGPbBRd0 3. Social Commentary! During the opening portion of the game, you can examine a football poster on the...

  • Inside the Guide: Is It A Walkthrough or An FAQ?

    Welcome to “Inside the Guide,” the column that gives you a behind-the-scenes look at making guides for GameFAQs.com. So far, I’ve written a grand total of 98 different guides. Whew!...