• Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi’s Journey (GBC)

    ...order to defeat the head baddie and retrieve his sister. Dragon Warrior Monsters, while not a monumental success as far as “money earned” is concerned (in the United States, anyway),...

  • Carbonated News (February 2003)

    ...Link. The United States will be seeing this interesting title sometime around August of this year. On March 23rd of this year, North America finally gets its backlit portable console...

  • Final Fantasy III (SNES)

    (Please note: Although this game was published in the United States as Final Fantasy III for Super Nintendo, it is more commonly [and more accurately] known as Final Fantasy VI.)...

  • Tobal No. 1 (PS1)

    ...Fantasy VII. Even with these connections, Tobal didn’t make as big of a splash as it should have in the United States. Now that we’re done this little history lesson,...

  • Carbonated News (January 2004)

    ...in the United States. This isn’t yet another package of classic Atari games or something to play on your cell phone while waiting two hours for the school bus to...

  • Ice Hockey (NES)

    ...the goalie), and the teams range from “United States” and “Canada” all the way to “Soviet Union.” Maybe the game’s datedness adds to its charm. Could that be? Do you...

  • Quarantining with Life Sims and Sandbox Games

    ...as they should be. Everyone should be angry about the atrocities going in the United States right now. SO how about those videogames that I can stay home and play?...

  • Carbonated News (April 2004)

    ...yet, they don’t release it here in the united States. (That’s the news, btw — the hotcake-like selling of Dragon Warrior V. In case it’s not obvious.) The game is...

  • Elite Beat Agents (DS)

    ...as well as numbers to identify what to tap next. Most of the time, it’s quite helpful, but there were several occasion where I missed beats due to my lack...

  • We Dare: Flirty Fun for NO ONE!

    ...to sell the game in the United Kingdom.” Sorry guys! You’ll have to have your underage sex parties the old-fashioned way now: by not having them at all, you perverts....