• Gamera Obscura: Asmik-kun Land

    ...OF CRAP PLAYS LIKE A RIGOR MORTIS RACCOON. Good call. Actually, this game plays really slowly compared to most other platformers, which makes relatively short levels appear to take practically...

  • The Darkness (X360)

    Comic book stories tend to have a habit of being shit. I haven’t read a single issue of The Darkness, because I like comic books about as much as I...

  • Gamer Girlfriend: Lessons in Gaming

    ...all provide. They are intellectually challenging, aesthetically pleasing, and just generally enjoyable. Plus, it turns out that I am really good at them. This last point, oddly enough, has been...

  • Poor Player’s Paradise

    ...sale on all used games under 15 dollars. I personally just came home with a bag full of 10 new games, and when I told my wife it only cost...

  • Shadow Complex (X360-XBLA)

    ...so should take you roughly ten hours. Just like with its predecessors, this time can easily be improved upon in further runthroughs. The incentive to replay only comes from the...

  • Mega Man (NES)

    ...and rarely unfair, and frequently creative. There are blocks that appear in a set pattern that you must memorize to proceed, timing your jumps carefully and swearing as you chuck...

  • testgame.exe: Making the Adventure

    ...screen outside Paul’s door might possibly be finished as well, but I can’t make any promises. In other news, Real-Life Paul and I decided to completely revamp the whole squirrel...

  • Sam & Max Hit the Road (PC)

    ...are stuffed into every corner of this little gem. The game is not the best of LucasArts’s offerings, but it’s definitely up there. The only things that really hold it...

  • Bokosuka Wars (NES)

    ...will repeatedly kick you in the ass just to be malicious. Novelty: 7/10 Lots of novelty to it. Bokosuka Wars is a Japan-only release, so you’re not really going to...

  • Nightshift Legacy: The Jaguar’s Eye (PC)

    ...items as pins, paperclips, pairs of glasses, lipstick, horses, hearts, stars…basically, a list of totally random objects that actually have no bearing whatsoever on the storyline being presented. It’s never...