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    The Top 5 Games of 1994

    ...more than the original Clay Fighter with spiffier graphics and smoother gameplay, it has earned its spot as the number three video game of 1994. It’s still Clay Fighter. It’s...

  • You Can’t Go Home Again

    ...available in Korean at the time and required the Korean equivalent of a social security number to get an account. My time with the leopard-print Archers and giant Baphomets was...

  • Skitchin’ (SG)

    ...in the sport of Skitchin’, and work your way to number one by racing on major highways in 12 major North American cities. I love racing in this game a...

  • Manic Miner (ZXS)

    ...determined subterranean dweller. But Miner Willy is no ordinary miner. Miner Willy is a MANIC Miner. Miner Willy’s mission is to retrieve a varying number of objects from twenty single-screen...

  • … of the Month: Ganguro Girl 1.5

    ...buy gifts for your extraordinarily needy woman. Once you talk to her enough and learn her name and give her gifts and learn her phone number and all this crap...

  • Uncharted Waters: New Horizons (SNES)

    ...enemies to sink. There is even a storyline to follow if you get bored with pillaging and terrifying the natives. There are number of crewmembers, each with their own various...

  • Captain Eric’s Super Thumb Feature Presentation

    ...before playing. This game is loads of fun and like I said, it offers quite a number of win conditions besides just destroying all your enemies… although you still have...

  • You Don’t Know Jack (PS1)

    ...after only a handful of plays. With two discs, you’ve got twice the number of expected questions, so you’ll be able to play You Don’t Know Jack at least a...

  • [NSFW] Mighty Final Fight (NES)

    ...what one can expect from a Capcom game, which is not that bad. Capcom also manages to allow you to perform a number of different fighting moves with only a...

  • Oh, the Humanity!: Double Dragon

    ...a number on my IQ. I’m just glad I am still capable of writing as many words as I have for this review. I may not be so lucky next...