• … of the Month: Logitech PS2 Netplay Controller

    Turn on the PS2, load up Serious Sam, get into the game and start playing. Oh my! My online buddy is talking to me! I'd better respond! *fumble* *type* ahh crap dropped my damned controller *shift* ah crap dropped my keyboard aaaaah DAMMIT PAUL STOP KILLING ME WHILE I'M TRYING TO ****ING TYPE!!

  • Games for the Casual Gamer: Super Mario Land 2

    Sometimes I forget that before my streamlined, beautiful, and modern GBA was even a twinkle in an engineer's eye, I possessed an awkward and bulky Game Boy.  Gray and enormous, it provided my childho

  • Versus Mode: WarioWare vs. WarioWare

    The main differences between these two games are quite easy to grasp, unless you're the type of person that can't grasp why "gay" doesn't make sense as an insult (i.e., as good ol' J.R. would say, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer): Mega MicroGame$ is for the Game Boy Advance, and its focus is on single player action; Mega Party Game$ is for the GameCube, and its focus is on multiplayer action. Got that?

  • Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (MXB)

    I came into this game expecting The Curse of Monkey Island, and what I got was Super Stealthy Crate Mover 64.

  • Manic Miner (ZXS)

    The self-respecting Spectrum owner NEEDS to have this.

  • Carbonated News (May 2004)

    - Several new Nintendo games have been confirmed to be released later in this year.  This list includes Paper Mario 2, Metroid Prime 2, Mario Party 6, Star Fox 2, F-Zero 2, and Donkey Kong Country 2.

  • Submissions (May 2004)

    Comments, e-mails, artwork and more from GameCola’s readers.

  • Default Thumbnail

    Dear Readers: LUE Reaction

    I received a very unexpected reaction to my Dear Readers column last month (though, mostly via "invaders" from the GameFaqs board "Life, the Universe, and Everything"). Many people seemed to think that my game ideas are "retarded" and "gay" (which should give you an idea of the reactors' age level and intelligence) For some reason, I feel that I should address these complaints.

  • Golden Sun (GBA)

    Golden Sun is a BAD BAD GAME.

  • You Learn Something New Every Play: Surgery

    I was lucky enough to  be watching the local news when they actually had put together an interesting story.  Video games can actually make people become better surgeons.  The newsman spoke with a d