Archive for Tag: Alex Kidd in Miracle World
GC Podcasts #51-53 on YouTube: Just Another Turtle, Paul & Jeddy!
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
After the excitement of GameCola's 10-part 10th anniversary podcast, we felt it would be nice to go back to regular ol' podcasting again.
GC Podcast #52: It’s a Turtle!
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
Turtlecalls turtle Brian Spaeth joins the GameCola crew to talk about Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Applebees and occasionally videogames!
Virtual Console Review (June 2008)
Columns by Myrtle T. Blinkin on
You kids and your ninjas and your pirates. When will you learn that it's the flappers that will be the kings and queens of the dance floor!
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (SMS)
Reviews by Stuart Gipp on
If you own a Master System, the odds are that you already have this game. And if not, why not? It's a classic.