Archive for Tag: anger
Dokapon Kingdom (Wii)
Reviews by Eric Bell on
A party game that will make you hate your friends. No, seriously, it even says so on the box.
[NSFW] Mid-Boss #8: Cry Wolfenstein
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
Dead Space is too scary to go alone. Take this.
Mid-Boss #2: On Tolerance
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
Quantum Conundrum has much to account for.
Q&AmeCola: Anger-Inducing Games
Columns by GameCola Staff on
Seven games that induce RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!
Mid-Boss: Dino-scores
Columns by Stuart Gipp on
Hello, Sodies. It's been a while. What are we doing here now? Hey, new digs! Eh, I kinda miss the old place. What can I say, I like blue. So what're we talking about? Scoring systems? SCORING SYSTEMS!