Archive for Tag: Drunken Hobo Phoenix Wright
Phoenix Wright Saves a Whale
Blog Posts by Diana Gray on
The true story of the events between Trials and Tribulations and Apollo Justice.
Sprite Flicker: Phoenix Wright: Ace Alcoholic
Comics by Nathaniel Hoover on
A webcomic by Nathaniel Hoover.
A Suitable Halloween Costume
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
Halloween is here, and that means it's time for everyone to come up with costumes. This year, I was thinking of going as Phoenix Wright. As my staff photo proves, it wouldn't be too difficult for me t
The Ten Reasons: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Columns by Michael Gray on
Welcome to The Ten Reasons, where I discuss ten reasons why I like or dislike a game. You know, I wanted to write a review for Apollo Justice this month, but it turns out that Zach Rich already did i
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (DS)
Reviews by Zach Rich on
My friends, it's sad for me to say that, as of this publication, my dear editor, Paul Franzen, has written me off as mentally insane. When I told him I would write a review for Apollo Justice: Ace Att