Archive for Tag: frustrating games
Memory Cards: The 7th Saga Revisited
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
A ghost of Christmas past.
Rock ‘n Ball (NES)
Bringing pinball action straight into your living room! New, for the Nintendo Entertainment System!
Games That Secretly Suck: Demon’s Souls
Columns by Nikola Suprak on
Best played wearing a leather mask, some sort of chaps, and a safe word.
Ultimate Zombies Ate My Neighbors (PC)
Reviews by Meteo Xavier on
Meteo wraps up his Halloween game review-a-thon with this ROM hack of Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
Mega Man 10’s Downloadable (Dis)content
Blog Posts by Nathaniel Hoover on
I made it a point to play the game into the ground--at this point, I hope it stays buried there a while.
Sonic Heroes (PS2)
Reviews by Stuart Gipp on
This game has its moments, but ultimately it's a disappointing and frustrating romp.
[NSFW] Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (SNES)
Reviews by Paul Franzen on
Welcome to Platforming Hell. Population: One Obnoxious Bobcat.
ToeJam & Earl (SG)
Reviews by Paul Franzen on
Nine long years it took me to beat this game. Nine long years of walkthroughs, FAQs, Game Genie, and secret lemonade stands.