Archive for Tag: Heavy Rain
Dinner Date (PC)
Reviews by Paul Franzen on
Press X to get drunk and sad.
[NSFW] Deadly Premonition (X360)
Reviews by Travis Combs on
I'd give anything to un-play this game, just to play it again for the first time.
Versus Mode: ME3’s New Ending, FFVII’s Re-release, Seaman, and More
Columns by Dan Conlin and Michael Ridgaway on
Voice actor Dan Conlin and GC's Mike Ridgaway debate videogames to the death.
[NSFW] Videogames: The Reality
Comics by Christian Porter on
The harsh realities behind eight popular games.
Mega64 Spoofs the 2010 Game of the Year
Videos by Paul Franzen on
The sad thing is, they're actually better actors than the voice actors in the original.
The 2010 GameCola Videogame Awards
Columns by GameCola on
GameCola's favorite games from 2010! Please don't make fun of us.
Gamer Girlfriend: Thoughts for a Rainy Afternoon
Columns by Vangie Ridgaway on
It’s weird how things change. I was recently looking back over the archives of "Gamer Girlfriend," which date back to early 2008, and I was surprised to notice a gradual but distinct progression in the way my column has evolved over the years. Originally, it was about the crazy antics and wacky misadventures of Mike, my own dear “Gamer in Residence,” and the trials and tribulations that came from first dating, and then living with him. After a while, it was about my own tentative forays in the gaming world. “Reflections on Grand Theft Auto IV” was followed with a cute story about how I acquired my pink DS and very first game cartridges (Animal Crossing and Cooking Mama). Then came Kingdom Hearts, the first “real” game I ever played by myself. From then on, my column became increasingly focused on the games I was playing, and somewhat less on the games Mike was into.