Archive for Tag: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
This Day in GameCola History: April 7th
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
Warning: Younger readers may find the archaic topics discussed in this article confusing and disturbing.
Spam Attack: Remembering Couch Outlet Store Online
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
Real spam comments that are funnier than we are.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Three GameCola staff members provide expert commentary on someone else's video walkthrough for a game they've never played.
Inside the Guide: Games Based on Movies
Columns by Michael Gray on
Hello everyone, and welcome to Inside the Guide, the article on GameCola that discusses writing guides for videogames. After messing around for a couple months, I'm back to my semi-normal format of w
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure (PC)
Reviews by Carl Houghton on
In time for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to be released, Carl reviews the LucasArts Indian Jones and the Last Crusade point-and-click adventure.