Archive for Tag: Jaws
Get Out of Your Damn House: Burnout and Jaws in Pensacola
Columns by Zack Huffman on
Early June. We had a few days to kill in Pensacola, so I figured it was the perfect time for some doing nothing on the beach. Pensacola is one of the many large cities that have been nailed by hurricanes in the last year. Until other, more unfortunate towns like Gulf Port, Mississippi and obviously New Orleans, Pensacola is a predominantly tourist town with very little interesting history. Most of the damage was done to expensive beachfront housing, which is owned by rich people. So at least no one innocent people were hurt or set back financially.
Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Nate Sawoar
Fan Submissions by GameCola on
10. Wrath of the Black Manta (NES): This game is accurately the COOLEST THING EVER. You are a kicking-ass ninja who has to stop drug dealers. STUPID kids get captured. Crazy bad-asses somehow ruined this language while trying to make money, but this game describes the hardworking Ninja busting down New York assholes.
Your Top 10 Favorite Games: Aaron Waters
Columns by Aaron Waters on
Aaron Waters's top 10 least-favorite videogames.