Archive for Tag: knockoffs
Miss Clue: Formula for Danger (Browser)
Reviews by Michael Gray on
A sub-par Nancy Drew knockoff.
No, Really, It’s Completely Different From Mega Man
News Posts by Nathaniel Hoover on
This is what happens when you quit your job to continue the franchise you helped start.
Beauty Lawyer Victoria (iPad)
Reviews by Michael Gray on
A cheap Phoenix Wright clone.
China, Part 1: The Land That Consoles Forgot
Blog Posts by David Donovan on
Greetings, GameCola readers. You may remember me from such articles as my review of the DS homebrew game Powder, my relentless fangasming over the works of Nihon Falcom, or, more recently, my total di
Flash Flood: Videos Inspired by Final Fantasy
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
My mission with this column is simple: to inform people about various Flash games and animations, be they amazing, appallingly atrocious, or astoundingly average. I'm not in it for the money (besides,