Archive for Tag: PETA
[NSFW] Family Dog (SNES)
Reviews by Mark Freedman on
One of the most wretched, nauseating games I've ever played.
GC Podcast #55: Gaming Outside the Mainstream
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
We were gaming outside the mainstream before it was cool.
Super Tofu Boy is a Thing
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
That sure didn't take long. About a month after Super Meat Boy was released for XBLA, PETA made it the target for its latest parody Flash game. PETA, the organization that tried to convince people to start calling fish "sea kittens," is no stranger to ridiculousness or videogame parodies. You may remember that they've previously released a parody of Cooking Mama in which the eponymous "Mama" is a bloodthirsty maniac, and a parody of Mario called Super Chick Sisters, in which you need to rescue Pamela Anderson from Colonel Sanders (I'm serious).
Versus Mode: Vegetarian Videogames, UFC, Country Music, and More
Columns by GameCola on
Former GC writer Joel Tandberg and current GC writer Stuart Gipp discuss vegetarian videogames, MMA fighters' rights, country music, and more.