Archive for Tag: Princess Toadstool
[NSFW] Mid-Boss #11: Cock Block
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
Is that a new Super Mario Bro.?
Nintendo Retcons Super Mario Bros.
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
Via Kotaku, it looks like GameCola's ongoing debateĀ of "Is she Princess Toadstool or Princess Peach?" has finally been put to rest. In its latest re-release of Super Mario All-Stars, Nintendo has dec
Versus Mode: Sony’s New Console, Nintendo’s New Console, Peach vs. Toadstool, and More
Columns by GameCola on
GC writers Steve Hamner and Eric Regan discuss the PS3 catching up to the 360, what Nintendo should call its new console, whether it's "Princess Peach" or "Princess Toadstool," and more.
Advice for the Sensitive Gamer #1
Columns by Jenna Ogilvie on
Jenna Ogilvie offers advice about having dreams about Princess Toadstool.