Archive for Tag: Ribbit King
Digital Championship Wrestling: Ribbit King Rumble
Columns by Paul Franzen on
Hello my LEGIONS of gamefans, and welcome—WELCOME!!—to Digital Championship Wrestling! I'm Paul Franzen, and with me, as always, is my broadcast colleague, esteemed GameCola writer and apparent psychic "Captain" Eric Regan.
Captain Eric’s Super Thumb Feature Presentation
Columns by Eric Regan on
Well well well, it is THAT time of the month again. I know all of you are out there sitting in your rooms crying and wondering when your next DOSE of THE awesome will come. Well, my friends, that time
Digital Championship Wrestling: 10-Man Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royal!
Columns by Paul Franzen on
Paul: Welcome again everybody to the DCW arena! I'm Paul Franzen, and with me as always is Eric "Fisher-Price games are WAY too hard" Regan, we have a powerful special event for you tonight, don't we
Versus Mode: Quidditch World Cup vs. Ribbit King
Columns by Paul Franzen on
I think we can all agree that the best kind of sports is a fake one, right? After all, who wants to bat a ball around in a crowded stadium when you can instead fly around on a broomstick trying to b