Archive for Tag: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
This Yard Has Saled #5: Thrifting with Mom
Columns by Matt Breslau on
Authentic, factory-sealed storytelling.
Q&AmeCola: Favourite Game-within-a-Game
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
Almost every genre of videogaming offers their own spin on the game-within-a-game concept. This month, the GameCola crew share their favourite examples, from "Pazaak," to "Triple Triad," to "Things from Space."
The Lost Art of Good Game Design: Dragon Age: Origins
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
The game that instilled in me a fear of shopping.
That’s So Cliché: Life Edition
Columns by The Ominous Voice on
Yeah, you thought I was gone for good, didn't you?
Digital Championship Wrestling: The Third Annual Dino Rikki Invitational Battle Royal
Columns by Paul Franzen on
Ladies and gentlemen, WELCOME, to GameCola's Sixth Annual New Year's Awards Special. And welcome, more importantly, to this year's edition of the DCW Dino Riki Invitational battle royal!