Archive for Tag: Stuart Gipp
[NSFW] Mid-Boss #15: Moral Kombat
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
Questionable morality in the new Splinter Cell.
[NSFW] Mid-Boss #14: Wry Vita
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
What's a Vita?
Mid-Boss #13: Levine on the Edge
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
What do recent departures at Irrational Games mean for the future of BioShock Infinite?
Mid-Boss #12: Better Than a New Title Screen
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
What DO you get for collecting all those coins in New Super Mario Bros. 2?
[NSFW] Mid-Boss #11: Cock Block
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
Is that a new Super Mario Bro.?
[NSFW] Mid-Boss #10: Still Not as Bad as the Virtual Boy
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
They've shipped worse.
Mid-Boss #9: Glass Half-Full
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
Excited for the launch of the Wii U?
[NSFW] GameCola DebateCast #1: PC vs. Console
Podcasts by Christian Porter on
We debate PC vs Console in this experimental podcast. That was the plan, anyway.
[NSFW] Mid-Boss #8: Cry Wolfenstein
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
Dead Space is too scary to go alone. Take this.
Mid-Boss #7: YOU GOT Way in Over Your Head
Comics by Stuart Gipp on
Did you hear that they're making a Sonic/Mega Man crossover?