Archive for Tag: version differences
Does Hoganlessness Still Matter?
Blog Posts by Mark Freedman on
What's happened with Hulk Hogan over the years?
Inside the Guide: Chuck’s Challenge
Columns by Michael Gray on
He did it! Michael Gray made the front page of GameFAQs! That's cool, right?
Crystalis: NES vs. GBC
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
One cult classic. Two completely different games.
Final Fantasy VI Advance Blind Playthrough
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Michael Gray does a blind playthrough of Final Fantasy VI Advance. What could go wrong? (Apparently, a lot of things, as it turns out.)
Professor Layton UK-Exclusive Puzzles
Videos by Michael Gray on
There are 16 puzzles in US version of Professor Layton and the Curious Village that were replaced in the UK release.
Street Fighter II (SNES)
Reviews by Bradley Keene on
HADOKEN! That one word holds a special place in any fighting game fan's heart.
[NSFW] Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
Reviews by Travis Combs on
Tell me you're some PS2 or Xbox fanboy who won't play the game because it's on a kiddy system. Tell me. I dare you.
You Don’t Know Jack (PS1)
Reviews by Paul Franzen on
YDKJ may not hold up well against the sands of time, so play it while it's still well-nigh topical.
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (GBA)
Reviews by Matt Gardner on
This game is not just for wannabe farmers, and it's a good break from the traditional monster-destroying RPGs.