You’ve probably noticed the neat0 comments tracker on the right-hand side of our website, which lets you know who made comments on our articles recently, and keeps track of other websites that link to us. It’s very interesting, but I’ve noticed a few of my articles have received really weird kickbacks. And because I have some free time, I’ll share three of them with you today.
First, there’s this video of a hockey fight:
This video has absolutely nothing to do with the Nancy Drew article it links to, except for the fact that one of the guys in the fight is named Drew Bagnall. Nancy Drew, Drew Bagnall. So…that’s kind of a relevant kickback? Not really.
The second strange kickback comes from a group called “The Ten Men.” They’ve got a list of random articles with the word “ten men” in the title, such as “The Ten Commandments of Men’s Accessories,” “Men Are Stupid – Kill Ten Rats” and “Ten-Man Addicks Punish Pilgrims.” They were kind enough to link to my Ten Reasons article for Mega Man 2, but I have no idea why anyone would want to keep track of all online articles written with “ten” and “man/men” in the title. Their website is just a list of links, too, so no explanation is ever given for their bizarre actions. Who are these ten men, and why are they so strange?

Lastly, there’s a Q and A website on which somebody in Florida is looking for reports from health inspectors. This links to an article about…wait for it…wait for it…Final Fantasy VI Advance. Can any of you readers see a connection between health inspector repots in Florida and FFVIA? Because I sure can’t.
Very strange, why would their site ( link to your site? That must be the connection…