Remember when I said Tecmo had turned over a new leaf and wasn’t going to advertise Dead or Alive 5 with scantily clad ladies?
I’ll remind you of the paraphrased quote from GameGuys, ahem:
Not content with being eye candy, the female fighters will prove that they possess even more character in the game, with a new look and feel only befit for a new generation of intense DoA combat.
Well, Kasumi looks pretty content in that picture, actually.
Does Tina look upset with her choice of clothing?
Yeah, I think it is safe to say that they are content with being eye candy. So much for change! A new look and feel, sure. If you want to see the female cast in swimsuits, you can purchase the Fapper’s Edition Collector’s Edition, which comes with a redeemable code for the bikini DLC.
Tecmo has gone back on its own word. Why? Maybe the world wasn’t ready for a gritty and atmospheric fighting game. Perhaps Tecmo is aware that most gamers (myself included) are perverts with little to no self-esteem. If so, they’ve done a really good job of reading the market.
Pre-order and get bunny suits, too. Maybe they should also throw in a complimentary pack of Kleenex.
I just want to point out this comment by GameCola contributor Daniel Castro, which was funny back then, but is even funnier now in context:
Also, classic jiggly physics and skimpy clothing will be available as a day-one DLC for 1200 MSPs.
It’ll be called I WANT MY PORN! DLC
Too true, my friend. Too true.