[NSFW] Final Fantasy RPGcast – Part 1: The Best Heroes Breakfast Can Buy

Prophecy. Provisions. Pancakes. It's the first installment of GameCola's Final Fantasy-themed RPG podcast!

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FF-Banner-01BStory Navigation: | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |

Following in the podsteps of the Maid RPGcast and Crystalis D&Dcast before it, I humbly present to you the Final Fantasy RPGcast, GameCola’s third foray into the realm of podcasted videogame-themed tabletop role-playing games. The story and game mechanics of the original NES Final Fantasy were adapted by Nathaniel “Guy Who’s Writing This Post” Hoover to create an adventure so authentic that you’ll swear we really are playing the original NES Final Fantasy, up until the part where the players open their mouths and turn it into a quest for pancakes.

FF Shop

Starring in this edition are Michael “PANC the Fighter” Ridgaway, Michael “ALPH the Red Mage” Gray, Joseph “JOEV the White Mage” Martin, and Anna “LITA the Black Mage” Bryniarski. Here’s a small sampling of what to expect in this first installment of their hungry, hungry heroics:

  • Bruce
  • The realization that the towns and castles of Final Fantasy are pretty terrible when you think about them too hard
  • Shopping! I swear this is more interesting than it sounds.
  • The players ignore the main quest to fabricate a subplot about treasury thieves, which the GM just kinda goes along with
  • A quick lesson in Conerian economics, where indiscriminate murder is the lifeblood of the economy
  • Discussions of defacing corpses for charity
  • We are horrible people

The adventure begins here!

15 votes, average: 9.47 out of 1015 votes, average: 9.47 out of 1015 votes, average: 9.47 out of 1015 votes, average: 9.47 out of 1015 votes, average: 9.47 out of 1015 votes, average: 9.47 out of 1015 votes, average: 9.47 out of 1015 votes, average: 9.47 out of 1015 votes, average: 9.47 out of 1015 votes, average: 9.47 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

Since 2009

Nathaniel Hoover is almost certainly GameCola's most verbose staff member, and arguably the most eclectic. As administrator of the GameCola YouTube channel (GCDotNet), occasional contributor to every article category on the site, and staff editor, you're pretty much stuck with him wherever you go. Sorry.


  1. I gave this a 10 just for “Don’t bring me down, Bruce”. I’m sure the rest of the podcast will be worth it at this rate!

  2. I feel like a kid in the 40’s tuning into his favorite radio show on a Saturday morning. I also don’t think mentally un’stable’ ponies was meant to be a pun, but I laughed anyway.

  3. Your YouTube channel alerted me to this series! Watching it, I was about to say, “Surely, Michael Ridgaway must be an 8-bit Theater fan!”

    Then I came here & saw the 8-bit artwork…

      1. Awesome! I admit, I’ve only read about 60-70% of 8-bit Theater since there’s a lot of it. Michael’s talking about game mechanics reminds me of Red Mage…

        By the way, Wil Wheaton is trying to figure out how to create an RPG fit for his TableTop show. You probably want to see what he’s up to and contact him!

        1. The site stripped out my link, but search Google for “Indiegogo Tabletop Season 3 – With Wil Wheaton!” to see what Wil Wheaton’s up to.

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